An application along with processing fee of INR equivalent to USD 225 is required to be made online, to enable submission of your application. Please note that application-processing fee is non-refundable, and will not be returned under any circumstance. Kindly ensure that your production is a Feature Film, TV/Web show and series & Reality TV/Web show and series. ICH does not accept application for Documentary films, AV commercials and music videos.
The Film Promotion Fund is a financial support initiative established by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India to help Indian filmmakers promote their films internationally. The fund aims to enhance the visibility and impact of Indian films once they are selected for prestigious international film festivals or the Academy Awards (Oscars). By providing monetary assistance for promotion campaigns, the fund seeks to boost the global recognition of Indian cinema, contribute to national prestige, encourage high-quality filmmaking, and support the growth of the Indian film industry.

When to apply?
- Application should be submitted no later than one week from the date of official announcement of selection by the eligible Festival.
- The applicant should furnish details of funding from sources, other than Government, either received or being received along with the application if already received or within 10 days of such receipt.
- The Fund will be disbursed to the filmmaker that holds an official selection letter to any competitive sections from only those identified list of festivals / awards as are specified in the guideline.
- No requests shall be entertained for post-facto reimbursements of marketing spends at the eligible Festivals.
The applications should be submitted to ichdesk[at]investindia[dot]org[dot]in